Explain FLUX

Flux is an architectural pattern that enforces unidirectional data flow.

MVC vs Flux:
MVC did not scale well for Facebook’s huge codebase. The main problem for them was the bidirectional communication, where one change can loop back and have cascading effects across the codebase (making things very complicated to debug and understand).

How does Flux solve this? By forcing an unidirectional flow of data between a system’s components.
In general the flow inside the MVC pattern is not well defined. A lot of the bigger implementations do it very differently (e.g. Cocoa MVC vs. Ruby on Rails MVC).
Flux on the other hand is all about controlling the flow inside the app?—?and making it as simple to understand as possible.

Action –> Dispatcher –> Store –> View

Facebook found that two-way data bindings led to cascading updates, where changing one object led to another object changing, which could also trigger more updates. As applications grew, these cascading updates made it very difficult to predict what would change as the result of one user interaction. When updates can only change data within a single round, the system as a whole becomes more predictable.

